Seisoene en Afsondering

Hier waar ek voor my venster sit en skryf, ironies genoeg, op Vryheidsdag, kyk ek uit op ‘n doodstil straat…..vir ‘n hele paar weke al doodstil…..geen motors wat ry nie, geen honde wat onnodiglik blaf nie, geen vliegtuie of sirenes nie.

Ek sien herfsblare wat grond toe dwarrel…een na die ander, en ek sien bome wat reeds kaal staan. Vir die laaste paar dae voel dit vir my of die son ook iewers ‘n wegkruipplek gaan soek het, en wil ek amper dink dat herfs skielik gekom het, maar ook gegaan het… plek te maak vir winter wat voorwaar oppad is! Die son het gedraai, en gooi sommer noual vroeg ‘n sonstreep in die woonkamer. Dit word later lig soggens en vroeër donker saans  ….

Eintlik wil ek nie vandag na buite kyk nie…..bewolkte weer saam met ons tuin wat oorgroei is en nie mooi op die oog val nie, laat my binnekant grys voel. Dit maak dat ek Thomas, my gawe tuinman, nog meer mis. Ander dae kry ek dit weer reg om dit net te laat gaan……Alles en almal moet rus….dan ook my tuin en Thomas! Dinge is oral anders en dit is goed so…

Dit het stil geword om ons…die wêreld het tot stilstand gekom….dit MOES! Alles en almal was in ‘n gejaag vasgevang. Aan die begin was dit vir my baie moeilik om tot stilstand te kom… wese het daarteen geskop, die stilte was net te erg, maar geleidelik het dit begin makliker word namate ek net laat gaan het, en kan ek nou sê: Ek het tot tot ruste gekom….ek is tot ruste gedwing.  Ek het besef hoe verskriklik vasgevang ek was in besigwees, ek was deel van ‘n onnodige rotte-resies, net soos ‘n hamster op ‘n wiel. Ek het iets van Ps 46:11 begin verstaan: “….bedaar en erken dat ek God is.”

Nou dat ek die stilte en inperking aanvaar het, moet ek erken: ek geniet dit….laatslaap, koffie in die bed saam met my ander helfte, het koester-oomblikke geword. Stoepkuiers en middagslapies is bederfies waarna ek nou al uitsien … sommer net te wees, dit gaan ek baie mis. Smiddae kyk ons hoe die duiwe, wat ons begin voer het, hulle gratis ete elke dag kom geniet….hoor ons hoe die hadeda’s na mekaar roep en hoe die kwêvoels terggend antwoord! Ek het deel geword van die stilte, geleer om weer met verwondering en in eenvoud te leef en dit te geniet. Ek het beleef met hoe min mens kan klaarkom, en om nogsteeds saans met ‘n dankbare hart te kan gaan slaap.

Wat ek tans die meeste van hierdie tyd van afsondering geniet is om saam met die Vader tyd te spandeer, om met Hom te kuier, naby Hom te voel, lang geskrifte in my Joernaal te maak en fyn te luister na wat Hy wil hê ek moet hoor, en met Hom te praat….

Iewers in Maart praat Hy met my oor Noag…..gedog ek het die verhaal geken, maar besef nou ook hoe relevant hierdie verhaal is juis nou vir ‘n tyd soos hierdie…..en ek glo wat Hy wou hê ek moes hoor is:

  • Dat Hy ‘n genadige God is wat ook ons en ons land genadig wil en gaan wees;
  • Dat ek en ons land se mense naby Hom moet leef;
  • Dat ek en ons land se mense gehoorsaam moet wees as Hy ‘n opdrag vir ons het, al is omstandighede hoe ongunstig;
  • Dat Hy altyd in verbondenheid met ons wil leef;
  • Dat ek en ons in hierdie tyd van afsondering moet moet seker maak dat ons, ons gesin en familie saam met ons in die ‘ark’ (plek van beskerming, veiligheid, rus, redding en nuwe begin) in neem;
  • Dat ons en almal saam met ons vir ‘n bepaalde tyd saam in die ark gaan wees…..’150 dae’ (Gen 7:24)”
  • Dat Hy aan Noag en sy mense in die ark gedink het, en dat Hy ook aan ons dink. Hy het ‘n wind oor die aarde laat waai wat die waters laat terugtrek het (Gen 8:1) Mag God ons genadig wees en Sy Gees-wind oor ons aarde laat waai, sodat die “waters” sal terugtrek.
  • Dat Hy ‘n getroue God is, en dat Hy, na ‘n tyd wat Hy reeds bepaal het, ‘n duif sal laat terugkeer met ‘n varsgeplukte olyfblaar in sy bek….nuwe begin en nuwe lewe.

Net om seker te maak het ek gaan google en op hierdié insiggewende artikel as bevestiging afgekom:

The Significance of Noah’s Ark

Christ does not want us to be slow or ignorant concerning the revelation of Him in the Old Testament (Luke 24:25-27). The whole Bible is about Christ, all the Scriptures point to Christ. This is because Christ is the WORD and everything (John 1:1, Col 3:11, Phil 3:8). Chris is the fulfillment of the Old Testament (Matthew 5:17- 18) and the Old Testament testifies of Christ (John 5:39, Luke 24:25-27,37), that Jesus s the Messiah. Of course this does not mean that every verse is exclusively about Christ. However the revelation of Christ is found in many passages in the Old Testament with direct link to the new testament. The purpose of God giving us the Old Testament in our Bibles is to point us to Christ.

Noah Himself

Noah is a type f Christ, being the man-saviour of his family and all the living creatures. The word Noah means rest or comfort. Christ is our comfort and rest (Heb 4:4-11).

The Building

Noah built the ark according to God’s revelation, not his own wisdom or imagination (Gen 6:15). This is symbolic of Christ and Christ’s workers, building the church according to God’s plan and not their own plan (Matt 16:18, Jon 6:38, 1 Cor 3:10-15. Eph 2:20-22).

The Wood

The ark was mad out of a kind of resinous wood which withstands water (Gen 6:14). This is not only good engineering but signifies Christ who cannot be harmed by the waters of death (Acts 2:24, John 14:6). Of course, the wood, also symbolizes the cross of Christ, which stands between us and God’s judgement (the flood water).

The Covering

The ark was covered within and without by pitch (Gen 6:114). The covering of pitch symbolizes Christ’s blood. The internal covering of pitch is for our inward peace with God via purification of our conscience (Heb 9:14, Gen 3:8, Col 1:20). The external covering of pitch is for protecting from God’s wrath (Rom 5:9), as also symbolized by the external application of blood to the houses in Ex 12:13).

The Dimensions

The dimensions of the ark were 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (Gen 6:15). Some English Bible translations have converted cubits into feet and inches or metres, and if so, the meaning will be lost. The numbers 3 and 5 are the same numbers used in construction of the altar of burnt offering which signifies the cross of Christ (Ex 27:1, Heb 13:10).

The number 3 signifies the Trinity (Matt 28:19). The number 5 signifies the creation (four, Rev 4:6-9) plus God (one). Four is creation in weakness, 5 (four plus one) is creation in God or strengthened creation. God created men with 5 fingers, 5 toes and 5 senses (hear, see, smell, taste, touch). If we lose just one finger, one toe or one sense, we become weaker. Similarly, mankind without God is weak. The number 10 or 100 signifies completion. The dimensions of the ark signify none other than Christ who is the perfect and complete person being both God and perfect (and strong) man. It also signifies the complete and perfect dwelling of God and man together (Rev 21:3), even the union between God and man (1 Cor 6:17).

The Window and Door

The ark had only one window at the top of the ark, facing Heaven, which was an opening for light (Gen 6:16). That there was only one window opening to Heaven signifies that there is only one way to Heaven which is through Christ (John 14:6). Christ is the window which opens to Heaven to allow the light of God to shine through into our hearts (2 Cor 4:6, 2 Pet 1:19, Eph 5:14).

The ark had only one door for entrance into the ark (Gen 6:16) the door signifies Christ (John 10:9) and that Christ is the only way to get saved (John 14:6).

The Levels

Noah’s ark had 3 levels (Gen 6:16). This signifies the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This signifies that when we abide in the ark, which represents Christ, we experience the complete Trinity (Col 2:9, John 14:23, John 14:16).

Entering and Remaining in the Ark

The Lord’s coming back is likened to the day of Noah (Matt 24:37). The ark is very large, it is an ark not a canoe – it is intended to hold a great number. Remaining in the ark is symbolic for abiding in the Body of Christ, the Church, for our salvation and protection during the Tribulation period (1 Pet 3:20-21, 1 Cor 12:12). As individuals we cannot hope to stand strong during the tribulation period, we need the church. Noah’s ark represents the Body of Christ, which as represented by the woman in Rev 12:6, is protected for 1260 days (3 and a half years) during the tribulation period (Rev 12:6)

Remaining in the ark is symbolic for abiding in Christ for our salvation from judgement, and for our protection (John 15:4, Ps 91:1). Like Christ, the ark was for the salvation of all living things, not just mankind (Col 1:20).

The Flood

The purpose of water is two-fold – judgement, and salvation. The water of the Red Sea judged the Egyptians and saved the children of Israel from their captivity (Ex 14:26,30). The waters of baptism signify Christ’s death (Rom 6:3), which judged Satan and the world (John 12:31, Heb 2:14), and which also saves believers (Gal 6:14).

Similarly, the flood represents God’s judgement, cleansing and separation (sanctification). It signifies baptism into Christ, baptism into his death, burial and resurrection (1 Pet 3:21). Our salvation is by passing through the waters of death to our old self and being resurrected unto new life. The flood also signifies separation and rescue from the old creation unto the new creation (Gal 1:4), as the flood caused all the old things to o away and the coming of the new (2 Cor 5:17).

God Shutting the Door

Gen 7:16 says God shut the door of the ark. This signifies that once we enter the ark, once we enter Christ, we are saved forever, our salvation is secure (John 10:28-29, 2 Cor 1:22).




Ons lees drie keer van mirre in die evangelies. Die mirre was by Jesus se geboorte, sy kruisiging, en by sy graf, ’n wonderlike reuk. Jesus ruik na mirre. Jesus ruik na ‘n nuwe Koning en na nuwe lewe, maar Jesus ruik ook na die kruis en na die dood.

Die dood gaan altyd die opstanding vooruit, het Luther die Hervormer gesê. Winter kom altyd voor die somer, die saad sterf altyd voor die oes, die nag kom altyd voor die dag, slaap voor wakkerword.

Om die reuk uit die mirre, en enigiets anders, te kry moet ’n mens dit breek – dit vermorsel, om die waarheid te sê. Elke keer as jy ’n lekker reuk ruik, is dit omdat iets stukkend gebreek is – die peper wat in die meul gemaal is of die kaneelstokkies wat jy tussen jou vingers gebreek het.

Hoekom sal dit nou anders wees met ons lewe? Hoekom is ons so verbaas as daar steeds swaarkry, hartseer en perse is wat ons maal en breek? God gebruik die stukkende wêreld om die mooi reuk in ons los te kry.

God maak ook altyd iets moois uit iets leliks. God gee vir ons geluk in plaas van as, vreugde-olie in ruil vir treurigheid, brood in plaas van slange en rose in plaas van hartseer. God is meesterlik om vir ons iets uit ons seer te gee. Die punt is dat sonder ons seer is daar niks wat ons vir God kan gee nie. As ons nie besef dat ons stukkend is nie, dat ons sterflik en dat ons gekraak is nie, kan God ons nie vernuwe nie.

God se opstandingsgees woon in ons. Dit is dieselfde Gees wat Jesus uit die dood opgewek het en net Hy kan ook ons seer nuutmaak. Nie vir altyd wegneem nie, maar nuutmaak en weer laat opstaan. Vir seker. God werk van die binnekant af buitekant toe. Hy het begin by die graf in die tuin en die lewe kring en kring steeds uit totdat dit eendag alles sal omvat.


I have read the following:

“Life itself is a privilege. But to live life to the fullest – well, that is a choice.” Andy Andrews.

Friends, please make time and watch the above video. It impacted my life in a positive way.

Welkom 2020

31 Desember 2019

Vanoggend toe ek wakker word, weet ek met ‘n seker wete in my hart dat ek smag na ‘n baie stil dag, ‘n dag om in my binnekant stil te word….’n dag om my siel tot stilstand te roep, om te reflekteer op ‘n jaar wat verby is……

Terwyl ek later die skottelgoed was, hardloop daar baie gedagtes deur my kop…..gedagtes aan goeie gebeure, minder goeie gebeure, hartseer gebeure, baie uitdagings, maar ook baie redes om voor dankbaar te wees, dankbaar vir baie geleenthede, vir voorregte, vir gesondheid, liefde en genade, en ek besef dat daar meer goeie en positiewe gebeure was as negatiewe dinge, en daarom wil ek juis vandag saam met die Psalm digter uitroep: “Ek wil die Here loof en nie een van sy weldade vergeet nie, want die Here het my met liefde en ontferming gekroon, en my die goeie in oorvloed laat geniet!

Later lees ek die volgende waardevolle wenke vir die Nuwejaar raak:

Vyf vars lewensroetes vir 2020
deur Stephan Joubert 
Wat van ’n paar Bybelse padaanwysers vir 2020: 
1.Wees stil. Oefen jouself om te wag op die Here, soos wat Habakuk 2:20 skryf. Bou elke dag ’n stilhouplek in jou lewe in. Wees stil in die Here. Wees stil en rustig in jou siel. Kom tot bedaring. Kom tot rus, tot sielsrus! 2.Wees vrygewig. Onthou Jesus se woorde: “Dit is beter om te gee as om te ontvang (Handelinge 20:35). Laat mense jou ken aan jou oop hart en oop hande. Moenie in 2020 ’n gevangene van suinigheid of gierigheid wees nie. Dit sal jou siel steel.
3.Wees geduldig met jouself en met ander. Onthou, alles wat die moeite werd is in die lewe vat tyd. Laat die Gees van die Here jou in dié proses met groter deernis en sagtheid vul. 
4.Waag nuwe dinge. Geloof is om die onbekende saam met die Here in te stap. Doen dit. Leef dapper. Moenie sinies of kleingelowig word nie. Behou jou kinderlike opgewondenheid en nuuskierigheid. Leef elke dag met afwagting.
5.Vergeet jouself. Moenie selfbehep wees nie. Wees nederig. Moenie jouself en ander mense heeltyd te ernstig opvat nie. Leef tot eer van God. Leef tot opbou en seën van ander.

Ek wil dus die Nuwejaar met dankbaarheid binnegaan, dankbaar vir 365 nuwe geleenthede. Ek wil vashou aan die belofte in Deuternomium 11:12 “Dit is ‘n land waarvoor die Here jou God sorg: van nuwejaarsdag af tot oujaarsdag toe hou Hy ononderbroke sy oog daaroor.”…’n belofte vir my, my gesin, familie, vriende en bediening…..ook vir ons land!

‘n Geseënde Nuwejaar vir jou!



I’ve been to Bethlehem. It’s indistinguishable from many other Judean towns, except for the Church of the Nativity built over the traditional site of Jesus’ birth. Bethlehem is located on a ridge some 2500 feet above sea level, and five or six miles southwest of Jerusalem. Why, with all the grand locations in the world to choose from, did God choose for His Son to be born in Bethlehem? I can think of three good reasons.


Seven hundred years earlier, the prophet Micah quoted God: “As for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah… from you One will go forth from Me to be ruler in Israel, His goings forth are from long ago, from days of eternity.”

Now, some Messianic prophecies are cryptic – they are identified and understood only after the event has occurred. Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 must have perplexed readers for hundreds of years as to their meaning. Only after the Saviour went to the cross did the followers of Jesus realize how the first seems to be the thoughts of the Lord on the cross, and the second an eyewitness description of that event. God placed such prophecies in the Bible so that when they happened, His people would be comforted to know He had planned it from the beginning.

However, Micah 5:2 stands out there in the open. God wanted everyone to know the Saviour would be arriving in Bethlehem. And everyone did know, at least those familiar with the Scriptures. When the magi arrived in Jerusalem asking at every street corner where the new born King could be found, word filtered up to King Herod in the palace and he called in his advisers. “In Bethlehem,” they all agreed, quoting Micah 5:2.

God keeps His word; Jesus was born in Bethlehem.


The Messiah would be a Son of David and sit on the throne of David. Old Testament prophecies emphasized both points again and again. Since both Mary and Joseph were of the lineage of David, Jesus was doubly covered. When the census of Luke 2:1 called everyone to his ancestral home, they made the journey of a hundred miles south to Bethlehem.

Bethlehem was where Ruth lived and where she gleaned the fields behind Boaz’ harvesters. Boaz spotted the lovely young widow and the rest, as they say, is history. Their son Obed became the father of Jesse, who raised a large family of sons and daughters, the youngest son being David. Thereafter, Bethlehem would forever be known as the city of David. Even the angels called it that. “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,” they said to the shepherds. Doubtless many of the psalms of David which God’s people have loved and sung for thirty centuries were inspired by time spent in the same fields and meadows where the shepherds met the angels that wondrous night.

One day as the Lord and His entourage were approaching Jericho, a blind beggar sitting beside the gate began to call out to Him. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”  Again and again, he repeated that refrain. When our Lord came within earshot, He had the man brought to Him and restored his sight.

The Son of God is the Son of David! Jesus was born in Bethlehem.


Bethlehem in the Hebrew means “House of Bread” (Today, the Jews call it “Beit Lahm”, meaning “house of meat.”) What more fitting place for One to be born who would be known as the Bread of Life.

One day, Jesus fed thousands of people with the lunch of a child. Soon afterward, He taught the people the meaning of the miracle. “There is a bread that endures to eternal life,” He said. He Himself was the living and true Bread from Heaven, “which a man may eat and live forever.” (John 6)

Isaiah asked the people of God in his day: “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread?” (Isa. 55:2) That is to say, why are you working and worrying and spending your life for things that do not nourish you, do not strengthen you, and do not satisfy you? A good question for our day, also.

Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecies given hundreds of years earlier. Jesus Christ is the Son of David, born in the City of David. Jesus is the Bread of Life, born in the House of Bread.

How much more simple can God make it? Jesus is Lord.

Jesus ruik na parfuum…

Nou onlangs volg ek ‘n kort Bybel Leesplan, naamlik: “Jesus ruik na mirre en stof.” Die opsomming van die Leesplan het my so aangeraak, dat ek dit net moes begin volg:

“By sy geboorte het Jesus na mirre geruik; daarna lees ons weer by die kruisiging van mirre. Tussen krip en kruis en graf het Jesus na baie dinge geruik. As timmerman het Hy na hout geruik, by sy dissipels op die skuite het Hy na vis geruik. Jesus word op ‘n unieke aardse manier aan ons bekend gestel.”

Een van Jesus se reukstories is van die vrou wat parfuum oor Jesus uitgegiet het kort voor sy kruisiging. Seker het hierdie vrou nie die bedoeling gehad om Jesus te salf vir sy dood nie. Sy het haar liefde en aanbidding kom uitgiet, maar Jesus weet waarheen Hy op pad is, Hy weet wat sy roeping is en wat Hy vir haar moet doen.

Leonard Sweet het lank terug hierdie storie oopgebreek. Hierdie reukolie of parfuum, sou aan Jesus se lyf kleef en aan sy hare sit tot die Vrydag van sy kruisiging. Die kans dat Jesus gebad het en die olie alles afgewas het, is redelik skaal. 

Daardie Donderdagaand het Hy bloed gesweet. Dink vir ’n oomblik wat met parfuum gebeur wanneer jy sweet? Die reuk word vrygestel, en reuk is die kragtigste wanneer dit kom by herinneringe oproep.

Aan wie sou Jesus gedink het elke keer as Hy die reukolie geruik het?

Aan haar.

Wanneer Jesus die volgende oggend gegesel word, sou Sy liggaam in skok ingaan. Wat gebeur onder andere wanneer ’n mens se liggaam in skok gaan? Jy sweet – baie. Die sweet sou die reuk weer vrygestel het en aan wie sou Jesus dink? Vir wie vat Hy die houe?

Vir haar.

Wanneer hulle Hom op die kruis neerlê en die spykers deur sy hande gedryf word, Hy opgehys word en daar in die son hang, aan wie sou Jesus dink? Aan wie het die reukolie wat nog in sy hare sit Hom onmiddellik laat dink?

Aan haar.

Wie het Jesus aan die kruis gehou? Vir wie het Hy gesterf?

Vir haar.

Len het verduidelik dat die universele altyd via die spesifieke bereik word. Vir wie veg mense in oorloë? Vir hul land? Nee, vir hul familie, hul mans, vrouens, en kinders by die huis. Die kleine is die pad na die grote.

Jesus gee sy lewe vir die hele skepping, maar sy is in sy gedagtes daardie Vrydag. Haar liefde, haar berou, haar kosbare offer, haar behoefte aan ’n nuwe lewe en ’n God wat naby en tasbaar en liefdevol is.

Sy verteenwoordig ons almal.


Ek weet wanneer dit Lente is…..Wanneer:

Die dae langer en die nagte korter word (dit word later donker), en die temperature styg.

Jy lus het om te ‘spring clean’, ontslae te raak van dinge….te ontklot,

Ek aanhoudend nies en ek die sneesdoekies en allergiepille moet nadertrek

Alles nuut word, nuwe blare, nuwe blomme, oral waar jy kyk…

Die straatbome oortrek is van die allermooiste, nuwe heldergroen blare

Die irisse, pers en geel uitbundig begin blom en nuwe knoppe uitstoot

Die varkore sonder aanmoediging spierwit blom

Die ‘sneeubal’ plant nuwe groen blare kry en een van die dae oortrek gaan wees van spierwit ‘sneeuballe’

Die kraanvoëlblom oortrek is met helder oranje blomme waar die suikerbekkies kom nektar soek

Die petria struik getooi is met pers en die clivias oral in oranje en geel blom

Die voëls lank voor opstaantyd hulle liedere van lof aanhef

Die bekende gluk-gluk-gluk van die vleiloerie gehoor word

Die hadedas se lied skerper is as ander tye en hulle teen laat middag kom water drink by die swembad

Die roosbome wat gesnoei is en reeds vol nuwe blare is. Binnekort sal vars, nuwe roosknoppe uitkom

Braaivleisvure oral geruik word

Maar….dit kan ook Lente word in jou geestelike lewe…

‘n Baie wyse stukkie inligting hieromtrent wat ek raak gelees het:

Prediker 3:1-11
ALLES het sy bepaalde uur. ‘n Seisoen vir elke saak (elke aktiwiteit) onder die hemel.
Seisoene is daar om deur te beweeg.
Jy is mees effektief wanneer jy vrug voortbring in die regte seisoen.
Die Hebreeuse woord vir seisoen is Zeman wat beteken gegewe tyd. (Appointed time)
In die regte seisoen is dit die maklikste om die regte vrug voort te bring.
Hoekom begin lente in die negende maand? Nege is die getal van geboorte. Lente is nuwe lewe.

‘n Nuwe seisoen uit God se hand. Hy wat die Skepper van die heelal is en ook van die seisoene, Hy laat op die regte tyd die nuwe seisoen  aanbreek.

Genesis 8:22 “So lank as die aarde bestaan, so lank sal saaityd en oestyd, koue en hitte, winter en somer, dag en nag bly voortbestaan.”

Lente in die gees word aangetoon met hemelse reën van God. In die lente kom nuwe sap na vore. Die genade, vrede en heerlikheid van God moet in dié seisoen van jou lewe vloei. Laat toe dat nuwe sap in jou menswees, jou gees en siel opgetrek word. Die eienskap – teken dat dit lente in jou lewe is, is die passie waarmee jy leef vir Christus Jesus.

Mag dit dan juis nou in ‘n tyd soos hierdie, Lente word in my gees: nuwe groei en seën, vernuwing en nuwe vrug tot Sy eer!

So in die vroeg Lente ontvang ek die volgende van ‘n vriendin….sy skryf uit Jerusalem:

Laatsomer is ‘n mooi seisoen waartydens die granate bloei in Jerusalem. Sommer orals. Op sypaadjies ongeërg langs die pad, in voortuine en parke, strate en markpleine. Maak nie saak waar jy kyk nie, orals buig takke laag onder die plomp, rooi vrugte in oorvloedige trosse—gereed om gepluk en geniet te word. Dis vir my so mooi dat ek gereeld sommer droomverlore onder ‘n boom staan en staar. Granate is immers die vrug van die bruid, elkeen getooi met ‘n perfekte kroontjie, ‘n simbool—of eerder ‘n belofte—van ‘n Hemelse Bruidegom wat oor Sy bruid die wag hou om seker te maak dat sy gereed is, ryp is, getooi is vir die dag wanneer Hy kom om haar te kom haal vir Homself. Ah ja… Laatsomer is ‘n mooi seisoen in Jerusalem.” 

SHIA, a branch of Islam

Following Muhammad’s death, the fierce competition for dominance among the clan and tribal factions eventually developed into the two major branches of Islam: Sunni and Shia.

The party (Shia) of Ali are those who believe that Muhammad appointed Ali, his cousin and the husband of his daughter Fatima, to be his successor. Ali became the fourth ruler (Caliph) in 657 AD, but he died in battle in 661. Both of his sons were killed shortly after. Overpowered by stronger factions, the embattled “party of Ali” have remained in conflict with succeeding Sunni rulers throughout the centuries.

Known as “the people of the household” (Ahl al-Bayt), Shias remain loyal to the family of Muhammad. They make up 10-13% of all Muslims today, with the largest communities in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and India.

Shias believe that Allah continues to appoint successors to Ali – and they call this line of succession the Imamate. These successor Imams are given divine insight so that they can interpret the Quran without error. Today, there are three major groups of Shias who disagree about who succeeded Ali: the Twelvers (85% of Shias), the Zaydis in Yemen, and the Ismailis in Pakistan and India.

Surprisingly, the Shias changed the Sunni Confession of Faith (the Shahada): “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet (or messenger) of Allah”. They add “and Ali is the friend (or holy man) (wali) of Allah.” Given that Ali and his sons suffered much, it is not surprising that Shia Islam stresses suffering and martyrdom.

During the Ashura Festival, which commemorates the martyrdom of Husain, men and boys beat themselves until their bodies run with blood. Shias believe that the final Imam (Mahdi) will return before the Day of Judgement and be joined by Isa (Jesus).

The Mahdi will lead Muslims in a final war against Dajjal, the false Messiah, and Isa will kill him. Then the Mahdi and Isa, they believe, will rid the world of evil and unite all in submission to Allah.

The most remarkable work of God among Shia Muslims is among Iranians, both inside Iran and among the tens of thousands of Iranians living in the diaspora. He appears to be at work in every Iranian community!

God has raised up a number of very fruitful Iranian leaders, most of whom live in the West, who minister in multiple ways to their own people in person and through satellite TV and internet ministries.

Movements to Christ among Iranians show no sign of slowing. In response, the current Iranian rulers appear to be doing all they possibly can to slow the growth of Christianity inside Iran. They carry out an unrelenting and often severe persecution of believers, especially of those who are seen as leaders.



The crown of glory

‘Lord Jesus, I do not care what happens to me because everything is within your hands. I will rejoice the day I see you face to face. You will put the crown of glory on my head.’

Hana’s* family are no longer speaking to her, except when they tell her she’s going to hell for leaving Islam. Although her situation makes her tired and weary, she’s becoming more like Jesus as she puts her life in her Father’s hands.

Musa* is looking for work. He currently lives in a makeshift home on the roof of a building. He was rejected by his family, imprisoned by the authorities, then shot upon escape. He’s made a good recovery and continues to grow in faith.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, Zeke* is living on the streets, jobless, disowned by his family and being sought by extremists. He says, ‘No matter what happens, I will not go back to Islam’.

At the Mount of Olives, Jesus prayed, ‘Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done’ (Luke 22:42 ESV). Like him, these three individuals did not ask for their troubles, but, through obedience, they have found the strength to endure. What wonderful faith they have!

Our generous God

As Easter approaches and we come to reflect more fully on the price Jesus paid for our freedom, let’s be thankful that God is giving believers from a Muslim background the strength and joy they need to continue following him.

It’s wonderful to be reminded that our God is so generous and loving. He does not give as the world gives, but with eternal promises that do not fail. James writes, ‘Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him’ (James 1:12 ESV). Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in the Arab world to keep their eyes fixed on God’s promises, remembering the crown that awaits them.

*Names have been changed.


Muslims around the world begin the holy month of Ramadan on Monday, May 6. Over the following 30 days, Muslims will fast each day as they intentionally seek Allah, presenting incredible opportunities for them to encounter Jesus instead! SIGN UP to pray with us for each of those 30 days and you will receive a NEW daily video leading you in prayer:

But today, would you stop and watch this powerful worship video, letting it lead you in prayer for Muslims?

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